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Establish Your Foundation

for a purpose driven life.

4 keys:

-Sense of Identity

-Positive Perspective

-Creative Mindset

Symbol Circle ^

The symbol that you choose will be in the middle which represents the foundation of your identity. 

The circle surrounds your symbol to demonstrate the importance of having positive influences around you. 

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Sense of Identity

Positive Perspective

Source of Direction

Creative Mindset

This is the center of who you are. Your values, beliefs and motivation to dream big. Using your imagination to establish what you desire and what you want to achieve in life.

You can choose to be positive and optimistic to create a fulfilled life. The key is creating action steps to guide you into the future that you envision. 

It is important that you understand your unique talents and areas of gifting that you can share with the world. This reinforces your positive influence and provides a clear sense of direction.

The first three keys provide a support system, an environment for creative thinking. Your identity leads to perspective that outlines the direction to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. 

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