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The Club

Every child that creates a Creative ID Card gains access to the Club, where they will be able to use their symbol to create apparel. Artwork will be randomly chosen to be featured in the online store. Families can also generate 20% of revenue from their child's apparel with unique promo codes that can be shared with those who want to support.


Pick your Symbol

Choose a Creative ID card from the symbol portfolio that you can relate to.


Paint, Color, or Design

Create your own masterpiece by decorating the symbol that describes you.


Share your symbol 

Display in hospital rooms to encourage a positive atmosphere.


Only love is free

Encourage others to join the club by designing their own Creative ID Card.


Create Your Own

Choose from a variety of symbols as a logo for your apparel.


Customize Apparel 

After you create, design & share, you can pick a color template from the color portfolio to create your own apparel.

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